Irish Immigration and legal consultation service

clear and coherent advice when you need it!

Using our client focused service can provide you with the following:

Understanding and managing the complex Immigration law environment

Immigration law in Ireland can be confusing and complex. We provide a service that simplifies that process and hopefully allows you to make better informed decisions about your future. We cover all areas of immigration law but particularly all types of employment work permits, International protection, Citizenship, Extensions/Change of Status (Stamp 1G and 2), Irish Spouse/Partner, D-Long Stay Visas.   We provide advice for Businesses and Individuals with a tailored and focused approach.

Providing a bespoke option for our clients which can take them through the immigration process from start to finish with a qualified Lawyer.

This service provides legal advice and as such is more specialist then administrative requirements. We cover all aspects necessary to complete your immigration journey particularly employment  work permits and visa advice. To date we have had huge success rates with our applications and have many satisfied clients.

Providing up-to-date information in Ireland's changing immigration rules

The legal landscape in ireland is ever changing and we can provide the most up to date advice when navigating your way through the myriad of challenges that can arise when resolving immigration and visa matters in Ireland.

Our offering



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We're here to provide specialist immigration and legal advice with attention to detail and proven expertise with a lawyer.

We are based in Dublin, and delighted to help you with your Irish immigration needs.

About Us

We're here to help

Lucey Immigration and Visa Services are very helpful, professional and provide an excellent service

M McGarvey

Lucey Immigration and Visa Services has been great for our business and really helped us to grow and develop our staff with employees from all over the world.

D Punch

Lucey Immigration and Visa Services is a great business because they have a clear vision, and they provide feedback quickly.

G O'Riordan


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